Dear patients!
We are proud to be able to inform you, dear patient, that the practice
Dr. med. T. König
with the admission in the circle of FOCUS health
"Recommended doctors in the 2019 region"
was awarded.
On 12.04.19 a medical lecture as well as the book presentation in front of 50 patients with the topic "Arthrosis holistically regarded" took place in the premises of the Hubertusapotheke in Hofgeismar.
Summer vacation: 05.08. - 23.08.2019
Autumn holidays: 14.10. - 25.10.2019
Thank you!
On a word about rating portals (Jameda, google and Co.) on the Internet!
Let us know directly and personally in practice, if something disturbs you and we can improve something, then we have the chance to talk about it and change something while you are still with us and you save yourself the trouble of spreading your frustration on the net.
Anonymous judgments or those under false identity not only testify to a pronounced cowardice and falsehood but above all to a social level far below that of the medieval pillory where you faced each other face to face!
Many of the "objective" evaluation platforms are payment services, where colleagues buy positive evaluations through paid services.
We would be pleased to receive your factual comments in order to improve our service for you.
Thank you!